Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Villains Homeschool day at the Atlanta History Center October 8, 2014

The Atlanta History Center puts on an amazing homeschool day every month. This one was definitely one of the best that they have done yet! Every time we go, the crowds get larger. The homeschool events only run for about 3 hours and it's just not enough time to participate in every activity!
We watched a game show about Monsters in History. 

Learning all about Art Heists and how to reenact one! The kids had sooooo much fun with this and still talk about it a month later! They all had a part to play, there was a distracter, the art thief, the art dealers etc.. 

Smart kid! See Julianna standing under the easel? There were tons of kids crowding around to hear their instructions and she found a safe place to stand. 

Both Jayden and Julianna were supposed to be distracting the security cameras. They each had hats to disguise themselves and were dancing and singing in front of a fake security camera. Now whenever Jayden sees a security camera he waves at it!

We learned about PT Barnum and some of his performers. 

The kids loved hearing all about Blackbeard the Pirate and then had fun trying to use the slingshot to knock bottles off of other boats. They also learned about the pirate code of conduct. 

 A Julianna sized house! She had fun playing inside the house.

We learned about the rise and fall of Benedict Arnold.

Poor puppy, she looks so sad when we leave her. She waits by the window for us to return!

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